The avocado seed plopped out of the ripe meat. She carefully sprinkled her Hawaiian salt over the perfect green snack. This was her day...and even though she expressed that she had jitters, she was so peaceful and calm. The day was fabulous! I was especially excited about this wedding because Joe and Amber opted to see each other for a "First Look." It was wonderful! Amber really wanted her dad to be apart of this special moment. He walked her up the stairs, his arm around hers and presented his beautiful daughter to her soon to be husband.
The weather had me a little nervous and some last minute changes were made, but as always, everything worked out perfect...well, except that I completely lost my shoe in a mud hole and preceded to step into another crater of mud with my bare foot. It was like quicksand, I didn't even know it was there. Oh well. It made us all laugh and I went on as usual...minus a shoe.
While I watched Joe and Amber's slideshow, I was able to peek into the journey of their lives. Together. Through each image I witnessed a joy and love that totally confirmed they were soul mates. It was such a sweet wedding and everyone was so generous and kind.
Thank you Joe and Amber.
For the laughs. For your trust. For your friendship...
Joe LOVES his sunglasses...I could barely get him to take them off the whole day ;)
Yes...I played with some blocks for a little bit...
You girls were so much fun!!!
Joe right before the first look...
Dave's angle
I LOVE this image of Amber!!!
So the silly groomsmen were sure that they could hold Joe while he held Amber :)
That ring looks good on ya Joe!
You ROCK! This was a great wedding! And that last photo is definitely my fav!! Awesome job!