Tuesday, December 21, 2010

more cRaFtY Christmas...

There were two projects that I OH so wanted to do with the munchkins...

The first were these cute little Ginger Cookie Ornaments I found from Creature Comforts blog. I must say they make me really hungry for cookies when I look at them...I found that my kids at ages 5 and 6 had a hard time finding the right pressure to use on the little white puff paint tubes...JEEZ, why didn't I think of this before...I have a hard time finding that sweet spot too! You know, so the paint doesn't let loose like a person who's had one too many artichokes for supper. Needless to say, they gave up after a couple, but because of the random blobs, it's easy to spot the one's that the boys' made and that makes me happy!!!

I still need to give them their "hangin' ability" but here's what ours look like almost done...



This other blog I spotted had these AMAZING Christmas cards that the kids can TOTALLY make!!! Parker LOVES to paint so I let him have at it with some diluted cheap tubes of acrylic to give the cardstock that water color look...I know I didn't get really creative on the colors but I just LOVE the palette that the other gal used...so I decided to stick to what worked :)



Anyhoo, we're really enjoying all the fun crafts this season! I think me more than the kiddos haha! I'm hoping to get to our paint cookies on here soon, so I can get ya'll that recipe and some pictures of the kids' creations :)

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