Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Everyone loves freebies

Pootin' around the internet I found a site that offered free Photoshop Actions, textures,& storyboards...even for you Element folks who are desperately trying to find some!  They are right up my alley as I heart vintage post processing.  I realize everyone doesn't like that look as much as I do, but check this lady out.  Show this mamma of two younsters some love and money too if you have it...she works on these and gives them away for free.  There is a donate button for clicking if your sweet little heart wants to.  These are SO much fun to play with...

These are some I played with:

My original Post Processing:

Processed with CoffeeShop's Cross Processing action:
After the Honey Retro Awesomeness!
A 20X10 Storyboard:

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures, I had just found these actions myself a few days ago, and had a great time playing around with them. You do absolutely beautiful work. I know Katie and a few others from GFCC from when my husband and I were stationed in GF (I grew up there)!! I am a photography hobbyist, maybe aspiring to be more, but I'm not sure - but I sure do enjoy looking at your work!
