Saturday, August 30, 2008


I feel like I have been sitting in my beautiful office ALL day.  I just need to show you all how beautiful is really is.  My mamma requested that I take some pictures.  I have been editing so many sessions that I haven't really had time to take any  new pictures.  I have just changed my workflow for my business so I'm anticipating being able to get more stuff done.  Everyone has been so patient with me...Thanks a million.  

So, I was able to hang out with a really cool dude a couple days ago.  Colton is taking a college mechanics course and LOVES working on cars.  It was so funny because the place that I took him to made him kind of distracted....looking at all the old engines and stuff.  I especially loved his long board....







You know me...I can't resist those creamy clouds at the end of a session...



  1. Ali,
    I love the last car picture! That is an incredible picture. Keep up the great work!

    love ya

  2. ali, i love checkin up on your have such a gift!!! so...colton was one of my students in 6th grade art back in 03 I think?! i realized it on one of the close-ups of his face. if you see him again. please tell him hi from Mrs. Green :) great kid. that's so cool huh?!

  3. love it! you are great and we need tohand out when your busy life slows down!!!

  4. Holy, Ali, Everything you do inspires me. I love your picture taking/editing abilities...can you even call it an ability? It's more like something supernatural and unhuman...
    You are awesome.

  5. COLTON...ALI...YOU TWO ARE SO AWESOME!!! I'm loving everything about this shoot. You really outdid yourself on this one, Ali. Colton - congrats on your senior year. It's great to see you through Ali's amazing eye.....
