HOLY no-posts Batman!!!!
Yes...it's been awhile for a post. No worries though my dear blog. I will really try hard to be better about indulging you with my typed words and HTML...
Standing very tall, is Mr. Pitcher for the Great Falls, Electrics. Greg has been playing with them for 4 years!!! Can we say Big League? Yum...remember the Big League chewing gum??? I do. I would stuff like a fourth of the bag in my pie hole and chew the powdery strands until I was about drooling from the gob of deliciousness inside my mouth.
Anyhoo...Greg was so much fun to shoot. We both had a hard time NOT laughing the whole time...trying to get the "serious" shots. I'm pretty sure I lost over 458 calories from throwing my head back in thunderous laughter. The Big Belly Jiggling kind.
Good times :)